I've been a fairly good vegan as of late. I've been making some really exciting dishes at home, and have found some unbelievable places around NYC. And thus, I will be starting a new blog soon entitled The Cheapskate Vegan Cook (link to be provided soon).
I constantly take photos of my food and post them on facebook. It's time that my facebook friends are not forced into seeing everything I make. And, I think the world needs a person to show them a cheap, quick, and easy way to make vegan food. I keep finding all these amazing looking recipes with faar too many ingredients. They'll just cost soo much money to make! So, I'm gonna start writing out a price list of different items I buy and what I do with them for the cheapskate vegan cook, like me! :)
In the meanwhile, work continues. I came in today, on my day off(!), to cover for my boss for 4 hours. And then I have all of these fun things to do with the rest of my day! I'm meeting Erica for lunch at what I'm sure will be a new favorite vegan spot, V-Note, in the UWS. Then, I'm reorganizing a bunch of stuff, working on some music, maybe seeing a movie, and cooking dinner with another friend... tomorrow it's back to the real grind- work from Friday through Sunday :/
And, oh-so-soon I'll be in California on vacation!! Two weeks in warmth and sunlight and a weekend in Vegas with my best friend, Lisa!! I can't even wait!!!
For now I'll continue to peruse websites whilst at work and play some Sudoku.
peace, love, serenity,
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
It's Been a While...
I'm still working as a hotel concierge. It's a job. Easy enough. Can be really dull at times and crazy at others. One thing I am not good at controlling is my cookie-intake. These hotels offer warm cookies throughout the afternoon and evenings, leaving me completely salivating for their sweetness in the later half of the work day.
And, I've been trying to be 100% vegan... clearly unsuccessful with all of the baked goods that I am surrounded by all the time. But, I'm trying- and I figure I'm making a difference even just a little at a time. :)
I went on an audition yesterday for Tom Stoppard's play, The Real Thing. I hadn't been on one in a few weeks! There's been nothing going on! It went really well, even though I had to prepare a standard RP British accent! I didn't suck! They even complimented me and we had a nice little sincere chat post audition.
Oh! My birthday was last week! I'm now a 23 year-old! YIKES! It was a lot of fun- had 17(!) friends meet me for dinner at a fantastic vegan restaurant in the UES. Then partied all night at a fantastic bar/lounge with a live band that did some great covers of everyone from Madonna to Elton John.
And the festivities continued for over a week. Hannukah parties galore, clubs, brunches, and even a dinner two nights ago with knafe, a brilliantly delicious middle eastern dessert!
All in all, really joyous and fun!
Hopefully 23 will be a good year! :)
And, I've been trying to be 100% vegan... clearly unsuccessful with all of the baked goods that I am surrounded by all the time. But, I'm trying- and I figure I'm making a difference even just a little at a time. :)
I went on an audition yesterday for Tom Stoppard's play, The Real Thing. I hadn't been on one in a few weeks! There's been nothing going on! It went really well, even though I had to prepare a standard RP British accent! I didn't suck! They even complimented me and we had a nice little sincere chat post audition.
Oh! My birthday was last week! I'm now a 23 year-old! YIKES! It was a lot of fun- had 17(!) friends meet me for dinner at a fantastic vegan restaurant in the UES. Then partied all night at a fantastic bar/lounge with a live band that did some great covers of everyone from Madonna to Elton John.
And the festivities continued for over a week. Hannukah parties galore, clubs, brunches, and even a dinner two nights ago with knafe, a brilliantly delicious middle eastern dessert!
All in all, really joyous and fun!
Hopefully 23 will be a good year! :)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Oh boy- It really has been far too long since I've blogged.
I honestly can't even re-assess all that has happened in the past two months since being back. Basically, I've been working at one hotel and hated my life. And so I quit last week, and I started a new job today! I'm now a concierge at a few hotels in midtown. It's pretty sweet- I sit and tell people what shows they should see, what restaurants to go to, where the atm's are... yada yada yada...
It's also flexible and a positive work environment. I'm not being spoken down to by managers or can't run a hotel properly (not that I've ever experienced that (sarcasm)).
I've been auditioning as much as possible. Luckily my jobs do allow me some flexibility to do so. I couldn't even tell you, however, what I've auditioned for. I put it all just behind me and hope to book it. Hahaa!
There were two or three that I still recall and am uncertain what kind of happened- basically, who knows why I didn't book it.
I've been dating a little too much, and kind of over it. I don't really care. I'd rather spend time with friends I like more than some of the dates I've been on. And, I've been going out on the town quite a bit, enjoying being a 22-almost-23-year-old.
Oh boy! Work has been such a bore today. I'm also super tired and awake on about 5-6 hours of sleep. My eyes are so droopy and I'm so tired... and now hungry! Ah! Only two more hours.
I honestly can't even re-assess all that has happened in the past two months since being back. Basically, I've been working at one hotel and hated my life. And so I quit last week, and I started a new job today! I'm now a concierge at a few hotels in midtown. It's pretty sweet- I sit and tell people what shows they should see, what restaurants to go to, where the atm's are... yada yada yada...
It's also flexible and a positive work environment. I'm not being spoken down to by managers or can't run a hotel properly (not that I've ever experienced that (sarcasm)).
I've been auditioning as much as possible. Luckily my jobs do allow me some flexibility to do so. I couldn't even tell you, however, what I've auditioned for. I put it all just behind me and hope to book it. Hahaa!
There were two or three that I still recall and am uncertain what kind of happened- basically, who knows why I didn't book it.
I've been dating a little too much, and kind of over it. I don't really care. I'd rather spend time with friends I like more than some of the dates I've been on. And, I've been going out on the town quite a bit, enjoying being a 22-almost-23-year-old.
Oh boy! Work has been such a bore today. I'm also super tired and awake on about 5-6 hours of sleep. My eyes are so droopy and I'm so tired... and now hungry! Ah! Only two more hours.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Past Week
So, over the past week, I started auditioning in NYC again! It's been on hell of an intense week doing 40 hrs at work and auditioning plus travel to and fro. Basically, I get home to Actoria and pass the f*$% out.
Monday I went to the South Pacific dance call- so much fun! It was not hard at all! It was in fact a basic movers call, I would say, and I had such a good time. It was a required call, so if anyone books it long term, who's to say, but here's hoping.
On Monday I also went and auditioned for Follies at the Kennedy Center, which is starring Bernadette Peters. How beyond amazing would that be for anyone to be a part of? It went really well, and awaiting my call ;)
My final Monday audition was for H2$ on Broadway, and there were soo many people. It was quite a bit of a cluster-f*%k initially. And unfortunately the audition got cut down to 8 bars. Fortunately, my 8 bars went wonderfully, and the people in the room had a wonderful energy and vibe. Good times. At this point, though, I know they're looking for a cast, but I think it really just depends on what type you are and such... cause in 8 bars they're not really looking for all that much skill. It's only enough to hear that you can sing, and if you look right then perhaps you'll go farther.
Tuesday I auditioned for a production of "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change." It went so well and I got an instant callback for the next day with high appreciation and compliments... Wednesday had a really fun callback with an amazing scene partner and was asked to stay and sing some more. They told me to check my messages... and as much as I'd like to be optimistic (and I am) you never know with this business. It's such a risk to anticipate so much. They may have wanted to hire me and then came in a girl who was much more what they were looking for... so if I don't hear by mid this week I'm moving on completely from the possibility of doing it, I guess.
But, that's alright. I feel like I've had great auditions this week.
I also auditioned for American Idiot on Bway this past Thursday- it went really well. It was lovely to see familiar faces in the room. I felt really great about how I did, but in retrospect I should have sang a much rockier and punk song... my choice was too musical theater.
I'm glad this week was so busy, though, because I really got to just jump back on the audition bandwagon and get myself back into "the grind" of it all.
Coming back to NYC I feel really confident. I know what roles I'm right for, what I'm not, what I should go in for, and all of that. And I know that I can compete for these roles. However, sitting in the waiting area hearing other people perform threw me back a bit. I'm now in a different league. I'm competing with some people who are currently on Broadway, some who have been in the business longer, some who have really strong connections and great networks, and some people that are really stupendously talented. It's a real fight to get a role, and it's much more visible to me now that I'm back. I do not feel like I'm a shoe-in for anything here. I may be "right" for a role, and I may be skilled to do it, but it's not always enough. And, I'm hoping that in time (sooner rather than later, please), I will be successfully booking consistent work and making a happy living doing what I LOVE to do.
Doing my 40 hr/a week hotel job is not living. It's so bizzarre to me that this is the systematic way we lead our lives. I want to be working for something of a greater good. Customer service- not so much my thing. I feel comfortable doing it. It's easy enough. It's mindless... thus quite boring. I need to feel like I'm really doing something efficient and helpful. I am not receiving any helpful motivation where I'm at right now, and I don't think I will within this industry.
I'm planning to do something wild in March/April if things aren't working as I'd like. I'll relay this information in the future, as I don't want to plan it for certain. It's only a back-up. A fun one, but one I'd rather do if I'm not leading the life I want right now.
peace and love and optimism,
Monday I went to the South Pacific dance call- so much fun! It was not hard at all! It was in fact a basic movers call, I would say, and I had such a good time. It was a required call, so if anyone books it long term, who's to say, but here's hoping.
On Monday I also went and auditioned for Follies at the Kennedy Center, which is starring Bernadette Peters. How beyond amazing would that be for anyone to be a part of? It went really well, and awaiting my call ;)
My final Monday audition was for H2$ on Broadway, and there were soo many people. It was quite a bit of a cluster-f*%k initially. And unfortunately the audition got cut down to 8 bars. Fortunately, my 8 bars went wonderfully, and the people in the room had a wonderful energy and vibe. Good times. At this point, though, I know they're looking for a cast, but I think it really just depends on what type you are and such... cause in 8 bars they're not really looking for all that much skill. It's only enough to hear that you can sing, and if you look right then perhaps you'll go farther.
Tuesday I auditioned for a production of "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change." It went so well and I got an instant callback for the next day with high appreciation and compliments... Wednesday had a really fun callback with an amazing scene partner and was asked to stay and sing some more. They told me to check my messages... and as much as I'd like to be optimistic (and I am) you never know with this business. It's such a risk to anticipate so much. They may have wanted to hire me and then came in a girl who was much more what they were looking for... so if I don't hear by mid this week I'm moving on completely from the possibility of doing it, I guess.
But, that's alright. I feel like I've had great auditions this week.
I also auditioned for American Idiot on Bway this past Thursday- it went really well. It was lovely to see familiar faces in the room. I felt really great about how I did, but in retrospect I should have sang a much rockier and punk song... my choice was too musical theater.
I'm glad this week was so busy, though, because I really got to just jump back on the audition bandwagon and get myself back into "the grind" of it all.
Coming back to NYC I feel really confident. I know what roles I'm right for, what I'm not, what I should go in for, and all of that. And I know that I can compete for these roles. However, sitting in the waiting area hearing other people perform threw me back a bit. I'm now in a different league. I'm competing with some people who are currently on Broadway, some who have been in the business longer, some who have really strong connections and great networks, and some people that are really stupendously talented. It's a real fight to get a role, and it's much more visible to me now that I'm back. I do not feel like I'm a shoe-in for anything here. I may be "right" for a role, and I may be skilled to do it, but it's not always enough. And, I'm hoping that in time (sooner rather than later, please), I will be successfully booking consistent work and making a happy living doing what I LOVE to do.
Doing my 40 hr/a week hotel job is not living. It's so bizzarre to me that this is the systematic way we lead our lives. I want to be working for something of a greater good. Customer service- not so much my thing. I feel comfortable doing it. It's easy enough. It's mindless... thus quite boring. I need to feel like I'm really doing something efficient and helpful. I am not receiving any helpful motivation where I'm at right now, and I don't think I will within this industry.
I'm planning to do something wild in March/April if things aren't working as I'd like. I'll relay this information in the future, as I don't want to plan it for certain. It's only a back-up. A fun one, but one I'd rather do if I'm not leading the life I want right now.
peace and love and optimism,
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The Brilliant Sites I've Found:
Whilst at work, let's just say I have some leisure time.
I'm lucky enough to work in an office that lets me peruse the web and chat with people when not under a high work load. Thus, I have learned about some fantastic sites.
The first is Dear Blank, Please Blank:
It's pretty self-explanatory once you open it up. Check it out! Highly enjoyable.
Second, 27b/6 is:
This guy, David, basically posts email conversations that he's had with people... and well, he's an asshole. But they're pretty darn addictive to read. Highly enjoyable and mindless.
Enjoy! :)
I'm lucky enough to work in an office that lets me peruse the web and chat with people when not under a high work load. Thus, I have learned about some fantastic sites.
The first is Dear Blank, Please Blank:
It's pretty self-explanatory once you open it up. Check it out! Highly enjoyable.
Second, 27b/6 is:
This guy, David, basically posts email conversations that he's had with people... and well, he's an asshole. But they're pretty darn addictive to read. Highly enjoyable and mindless.
Enjoy! :)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Here I am, back in NYC!
I'm residing in Astoria, which from here on forth shall be known as ACT-oria. I moved in a week and one day ago to a lovely two-bedroom apartment (pics to follow in a future post) with a lovely roommate, Laura, a fellow actorian.
So far, things have been going well but in a rocky fashion, I would say. Once I got here on Tuesday, the magical Laura had already moved in and the apartment was fairly set up with a couch, tv's, some kitchen supplies, blinds, and such. The one thing it was lacking, which in the monstrous heat everyone wanted, was air conditioning. Since the weekend, and the supposed Hurricane Earl, the temperature has dropped substantially, however, and the need for ac has decreased. We've been using fans when necessary and just keeping the windows open for a breeze.
I didn't have a bed until Monday night. That was a tough one. Boy, do we/I take beds for granted! I slept on the couch for the first night, which was unfortunately, uncomfortable (but for all those of you who may come to visit, don't worry, we'll be getting an air mattress soon enough). After one night on that, we got a borrowed air mattress from Laura's friend, who also gave us a bunch of free furniture, including my now bed.
This weekend I started to put the bed together. It was quite a task- pieces were missing, I was lacking the proper tools, and I had never built such a huge IKEA piece on my own before. Well, I got my "laundry day clothes" and my sneakers on, put on some Joan Jett, and built that baby from the ground up. Sunday I had a treacherous evening at Ikea, where everything was just falling to pieces: they were out of white fitted sheets, they sent me all over the place to get a missing piece, waiting in absurd lines, and then the best part- it was so late when I was done that the ferry was no longer running and I had to lug all my new stuff on a bus, to the subway, only to transfer a second time. A trip that should've taken an hour and half took about 4.
Monday night I picked up the mattress, a nightstand, and a coffee table, also from the same friend of Laura's, with a really cool guy I hired to move it for me. Then, I completed the construction of the bed, and put my room together... and it's HEAVENLY. I am so relaxed when I get into it, and it makes a WORLD of a difference. It's just clean and white and pure. And I'll get some decorative items in the coming weeks.
But, first, I need to make money. Which brings me to the new job I have! Very fortunately, I was lucky to get a job after being here for two days! Unreal, I know. A huge thank you to Mr. Jacob King. I'm working at The Gershwin Hotel in the Flatiron District as a front desk/guest service agent. In fact, I'm at work as I write this. I'm working in the reservations office right now, which is beyond lovely. The people are great, I've got a basic handling of the hotel system, and it's flexible with my audition schedule (which looks like is getting hectic next week.)
So, in general, things are looking up! I can't believe in one week of getting to NYC, I have a job, a fairly settled into apartment, already seen a bunch of friends, and am back into the swing of the city! It has been a bit more difficult this time around. After living in Southern California all summer, with its perfectly weathered luxury, coming to NYC I initially felt cramped and frustrated. I still do feel grossed out by certain things that didn't use to bug me as much. But, I'm here for a reason. And, I must go forth and enjoy the things that I love about NYC- my friends, the art, the theater, the vivaciousness of the buildings around me, the constant change, and the fact that I'm one step closer to achieving my goals.
I'm residing in Astoria, which from here on forth shall be known as ACT-oria. I moved in a week and one day ago to a lovely two-bedroom apartment (pics to follow in a future post) with a lovely roommate, Laura, a fellow actorian.
So far, things have been going well but in a rocky fashion, I would say. Once I got here on Tuesday, the magical Laura had already moved in and the apartment was fairly set up with a couch, tv's, some kitchen supplies, blinds, and such. The one thing it was lacking, which in the monstrous heat everyone wanted, was air conditioning. Since the weekend, and the supposed Hurricane Earl, the temperature has dropped substantially, however, and the need for ac has decreased. We've been using fans when necessary and just keeping the windows open for a breeze.
I didn't have a bed until Monday night. That was a tough one. Boy, do we/I take beds for granted! I slept on the couch for the first night, which was unfortunately, uncomfortable (but for all those of you who may come to visit, don't worry, we'll be getting an air mattress soon enough). After one night on that, we got a borrowed air mattress from Laura's friend, who also gave us a bunch of free furniture, including my now bed.
This weekend I started to put the bed together. It was quite a task- pieces were missing, I was lacking the proper tools, and I had never built such a huge IKEA piece on my own before. Well, I got my "laundry day clothes" and my sneakers on, put on some Joan Jett, and built that baby from the ground up. Sunday I had a treacherous evening at Ikea, where everything was just falling to pieces: they were out of white fitted sheets, they sent me all over the place to get a missing piece, waiting in absurd lines, and then the best part- it was so late when I was done that the ferry was no longer running and I had to lug all my new stuff on a bus, to the subway, only to transfer a second time. A trip that should've taken an hour and half took about 4.
Monday night I picked up the mattress, a nightstand, and a coffee table, also from the same friend of Laura's, with a really cool guy I hired to move it for me. Then, I completed the construction of the bed, and put my room together... and it's HEAVENLY. I am so relaxed when I get into it, and it makes a WORLD of a difference. It's just clean and white and pure. And I'll get some decorative items in the coming weeks.
But, first, I need to make money. Which brings me to the new job I have! Very fortunately, I was lucky to get a job after being here for two days! Unreal, I know. A huge thank you to Mr. Jacob King. I'm working at The Gershwin Hotel in the Flatiron District as a front desk/guest service agent. In fact, I'm at work as I write this. I'm working in the reservations office right now, which is beyond lovely. The people are great, I've got a basic handling of the hotel system, and it's flexible with my audition schedule (which looks like is getting hectic next week.)
So, in general, things are looking up! I can't believe in one week of getting to NYC, I have a job, a fairly settled into apartment, already seen a bunch of friends, and am back into the swing of the city! It has been a bit more difficult this time around. After living in Southern California all summer, with its perfectly weathered luxury, coming to NYC I initially felt cramped and frustrated. I still do feel grossed out by certain things that didn't use to bug me as much. But, I'm here for a reason. And, I must go forth and enjoy the things that I love about NYC- my friends, the art, the theater, the vivaciousness of the buildings around me, the constant change, and the fact that I'm one step closer to achieving my goals.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
I forgot to mention...
I fractured my foot while in Missouri during the show and I am now back home in California. I had to leave because it was impossible to dance on. In fact, I am STILL healing 'cause doctors didn't see a fracture until a few weeks later(!!!!) when I got back to California. Pretty crazy!
So, I'm much better but can't go running and all that fun stuff just yet. It's silly 'cause it's been 2 months already! You'd think I'd be fine... but because it was mis-diagnosed, it should have been cared for differently. Anyways, I've started physical therapy, am auditioning in LA any chance I get, looking for a job, and such.
In retrospect, it was bitter sweet to leave "Max and Ruby"- there were good times... a la synchronized swimming routines, some great dinners out, the City Museum in St. Louis, funny people to be around. but there were difficulties as well... repetition of the show, feeling like you're at the bottom of the food chain within the company, being physically exhausted, being in a car non-stop, not getting to be alone.
I'm thinking of continuing this blog some more, just changing what's happening with me now... so from now on, think of this blog as a little bunny who fell down another rabbit hole... it's called Los Angeles... maybe? hahaa... That doesn't even makes sense. But, here goes!
I fractured my foot while in Missouri during the show and I am now back home in California. I had to leave because it was impossible to dance on. In fact, I am STILL healing 'cause doctors didn't see a fracture until a few weeks later(!!!!) when I got back to California. Pretty crazy!
So, I'm much better but can't go running and all that fun stuff just yet. It's silly 'cause it's been 2 months already! You'd think I'd be fine... but because it was mis-diagnosed, it should have been cared for differently. Anyways, I've started physical therapy, am auditioning in LA any chance I get, looking for a job, and such.
In retrospect, it was bitter sweet to leave "Max and Ruby"- there were good times... a la synchronized swimming routines, some great dinners out, the City Museum in St. Louis, funny people to be around. but there were difficulties as well... repetition of the show, feeling like you're at the bottom of the food chain within the company, being physically exhausted, being in a car non-stop, not getting to be alone.
I'm thinking of continuing this blog some more, just changing what's happening with me now... so from now on, think of this blog as a little bunny who fell down another rabbit hole... it's called Los Angeles... maybe? hahaa... That doesn't even makes sense. But, here goes!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Y'know what's crazy?
People live in shacks in Lawton, OK ... and then there's Beverly Hills. What? How does this work? Just a thought.
Update from Wichita Falls, Texas
So, my foot is slowly healing. I went to a follow-up doctor in Lawton, OK yesterday who said it would be 6 to 8 weeks. It sounds like a bit too long for me and my regular physician, who I caalled. But, YIKES! If that's the case, there would be no way I can stay on this tour, which is pretty sucky seeing that I want to make money. However, I guess it's sort of bittersweet? I'd get to leave early, be on disability/unemployment, be at home for recovery and not spending money, able to probably get a waitressing job or something and making money (once I'm recovered), etc. I don't know how I feel about it yet. Meanwhile, I'm wearing a big boot that they gave- really stylin'. But now I don't really have to use the crutches that I got. However, I think I may just continue a bit longer as to really ensure that I don't harm the foot anymore.
After leaving the St. Louis area we arrived in Duncan, OK on Tuesday and I gotta say... not so okay. It's pretty much the middle of nowhere. It felt like Blaine, Missouri (the town that "Waiting for Guffman" takes place in! We actually stayed in a hotel 45 minutes outside of Lawton, OK (the city we were performing in), which is basically the same thing only separated by 50 miles of cow country. Unfortunately for us, we also had a day off in Duncan. Upon entering this town you are welcomed with a billboard that reads something like: "They've really done it this time. We're gonna get 'em! Vote Liberals out in 2010!" AHHHHH! CRAZY! So, that was a niiice little welcome. As we drove in we passed by a Sonic (which is the one thing you can count on in Oklahoma aparently), another Sonic-style place called Braum's, a Taco Bell, Subway, and then our hotel. On Main Street, a few blocks away from our hotel, there are a few antique shops (everyone here is a hoarder). Danny, Larissa, Alesia, and I had brunch on our day off inside one of these antique "markets." It was a store filled with stuff and then in the center a little cafe. It sounds charming and all... but it wasn't all it sounds to be. The food was iffy for the most part. Basically, the spinach quiche that I got was homemade and pretty good, but it looked like someone just cut up a cucumber in the morning and split it among all of our plates, as well as some other random veggies and fruit. Not too homey if you ask me. But, I guess it has its charm(?)
Well, aside from this Antique Market and Tea Room, as it is called, there are a few Western Wear shops, a Fashion Bug clothing store(?), and a movie theater. The best thing may just be the movie theater. To really exemplify how other-worldly this town is I have to explain. The movie theater is currently playing "Valentine's Day" and "Percy Jackson..." Best of all- they'll be receiving "Avatar" in early April! UMMMM... that movie came out before Christmas! And it's already been nominated for an Oscar and it's all been done and over with. How in the world have they not gotten it yet? It's prettyyy astounding.
The people here are like blast-from-the-past, as well. Last night when I went to Braum's, one of the ice cream/fast food places, and got a delicious peanut butter hot fudge ice cream sundae (see photo), the people were mind-blowing. First, the fashion was intense. For the most part everyone was in clothes from a different era, and each party was in a different one. Some people were mid-90s, some were very 50s, others were just country glam. One particular couple that stood out, was an older couple in matching purple-ish suits. She looked a bit more glittery than him, but figures... The first door into the store was automatic but the second you actually have to open. Well, this woman and her husband walked in through the automatic door, she was ahead, and then she stopped in front of the second door waiting. He was behind her. Apparently she couldn't open the door herself. She turns her head slowlyyyy to the man who suddenly realizes he's made a huge error and lacked in chivalry (apparently) and he apologizes profusely and opens the door as she's in a tizzy. My goodness, lady! Open your own damn door! It was just a staple of what goes on in this town... or at least what it appear to be like. Braum's and Sonic also seem like the go-to places. Everyone goes there in the evening. I guess it's that after school/work/day spot. It got really busy when we were there, with full families, couples, people with babies, and all of them people of primarily large form. Surprised? I think not. If all there is to eat is Sonic, Braum's, and the cow from the farm nearby, clearly there's gonna be a problem.
Well, after two days there, two shows today (which I unfortunately had to sit backstage during) we made it to Wichita Falls, Texas this afternoon. I got to my room and ended up taking an intense power nap for about 2 hours. I hate napping. When I wake up I always feel agitated and exhausted, more tired than I was when I started to nap. It happened by accident, too. The internet is not working very well, although the hotel itself, a Howard Johnson's, is supreme- great rooms and awesome facilities (just got back from the hot tub located within the central indoor pool/veranda , in fact, so I was sitting here waiting eagerly for it to work and slowly fell asleep.
We drive to College Station, TX tomorrow and then have a day off the following day. So far Texas is looking up. Wichita Falls is way further developed than Duncan, Oklahoma, and College Station literally has a large college within it and such, so it should be good and busy. Not that I plan on moving much, but it changes one's attitude immensely to be in a comfortable environment with civilization. In a week I will also be in Colorado seeing my dear darling friend, Katelyn, and I am anxiously awaiting! It will be so much fun! I really cannot wait!
Delicious sundae:

My foot in the big boot:

My delicious sundae:

For now, I am signing off. I am gonna lie here and watch The Big Lebowski on my computer, assuming the internet doesn't regress.
peace, love, smiles
From a ways back, probably in Illinois or something:
After leaving the St. Louis area we arrived in Duncan, OK on Tuesday and I gotta say... not so okay. It's pretty much the middle of nowhere. It felt like Blaine, Missouri (the town that "Waiting for Guffman" takes place in! We actually stayed in a hotel 45 minutes outside of Lawton, OK (the city we were performing in), which is basically the same thing only separated by 50 miles of cow country. Unfortunately for us, we also had a day off in Duncan. Upon entering this town you are welcomed with a billboard that reads something like: "They've really done it this time. We're gonna get 'em! Vote Liberals out in 2010!" AHHHHH! CRAZY! So, that was a niiice little welcome. As we drove in we passed by a Sonic (which is the one thing you can count on in Oklahoma aparently), another Sonic-style place called Braum's, a Taco Bell, Subway, and then our hotel. On Main Street, a few blocks away from our hotel, there are a few antique shops (everyone here is a hoarder). Danny, Larissa, Alesia, and I had brunch on our day off inside one of these antique "markets." It was a store filled with stuff and then in the center a little cafe. It sounds charming and all... but it wasn't all it sounds to be. The food was iffy for the most part. Basically, the spinach quiche that I got was homemade and pretty good, but it looked like someone just cut up a cucumber in the morning and split it among all of our plates, as well as some other random veggies and fruit. Not too homey if you ask me. But, I guess it has its charm(?)
Well, aside from this Antique Market and Tea Room, as it is called, there are a few Western Wear shops, a Fashion Bug clothing store(?), and a movie theater. The best thing may just be the movie theater. To really exemplify how other-worldly this town is I have to explain. The movie theater is currently playing "Valentine's Day" and "Percy Jackson..." Best of all- they'll be receiving "Avatar" in early April! UMMMM... that movie came out before Christmas! And it's already been nominated for an Oscar and it's all been done and over with. How in the world have they not gotten it yet? It's prettyyy astounding.
The people here are like blast-from-the-past, as well. Last night when I went to Braum's, one of the ice cream/fast food places, and got a delicious peanut butter hot fudge ice cream sundae (see photo), the people were mind-blowing. First, the fashion was intense. For the most part everyone was in clothes from a different era, and each party was in a different one. Some people were mid-90s, some were very 50s, others were just country glam. One particular couple that stood out, was an older couple in matching purple-ish suits. She looked a bit more glittery than him, but figures... The first door into the store was automatic but the second you actually have to open. Well, this woman and her husband walked in through the automatic door, she was ahead, and then she stopped in front of the second door waiting. He was behind her. Apparently she couldn't open the door herself. She turns her head slowlyyyy to the man who suddenly realizes he's made a huge error and lacked in chivalry (apparently) and he apologizes profusely and opens the door as she's in a tizzy. My goodness, lady! Open your own damn door! It was just a staple of what goes on in this town... or at least what it appear to be like. Braum's and Sonic also seem like the go-to places. Everyone goes there in the evening. I guess it's that after school/work/day spot. It got really busy when we were there, with full families, couples, people with babies, and all of them people of primarily large form. Surprised? I think not. If all there is to eat is Sonic, Braum's, and the cow from the farm nearby, clearly there's gonna be a problem.
Well, after two days there, two shows today (which I unfortunately had to sit backstage during) we made it to Wichita Falls, Texas this afternoon. I got to my room and ended up taking an intense power nap for about 2 hours. I hate napping. When I wake up I always feel agitated and exhausted, more tired than I was when I started to nap. It happened by accident, too. The internet is not working very well, although the hotel itself, a Howard Johnson's, is supreme- great rooms and awesome facilities (just got back from the hot tub located within the central indoor pool/veranda , in fact, so I was sitting here waiting eagerly for it to work and slowly fell asleep.
We drive to College Station, TX tomorrow and then have a day off the following day. So far Texas is looking up. Wichita Falls is way further developed than Duncan, Oklahoma, and College Station literally has a large college within it and such, so it should be good and busy. Not that I plan on moving much, but it changes one's attitude immensely to be in a comfortable environment with civilization. In a week I will also be in Colorado seeing my dear darling friend, Katelyn, and I am anxiously awaiting! It will be so much fun! I really cannot wait!
Delicious sundae:
My foot in the big boot:

My delicious sundae:
For now, I am signing off. I am gonna lie here and watch The Big Lebowski on my computer, assuming the internet doesn't regress.
peace, love, smiles
From a ways back, probably in Illinois or something:

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Bunny Got a Boo Boo
In the second-to-last number today, "Happily Ever Then What," I jumped over a castle block and landed on my right foot in what was definitely a bad way... Basically it twisted and I put all of my weight on the right side of my right foot. I ended up finishing the show (although I contemplated hopping offstage after it happened) but not fully dancing out any of the steps. In fact, after it happened, I turned to Stephen, a fellow bunny scout and told him I injured myself. He then helped to hold me up the rest of the number as much as he could. Following our bow I hopped off as fast as I could, got out on the wing and collapsed onto the ground where I waited for some ice. It was superbly painful! Stephen, being a superhero, picked me up like a baby and placed me in the van seat and then Danny, our kick-butt Stage Manager, took me to the E.R. and I got an x-ray and all of that. The people at the Christian Hospital out here in Hazelwood, MO were super sweet and got me out of there in an hour and a half. Once I was diagnosed with a Sprained Foot (not broken! thank goodness!), Danny and I went to Walgreen's to get me some crutches for ease in my travels. And since then, I've been back at the hotel in my bed, barely moving and taking some ibuprofen. I won't be doing the shows tomorrow. Larissa, my dandy roommate, will be taking on all of my lines. The doctor said I won't realistically be able to use it for at least a week, but in order to be excused from further shows, if the foot doesn't get better by Weds, I'll need to see another primary physician.
my ticket to the e.r.

my foot in the ace bandage

Tomorrow we leave St. Louis and head to Lebanon, MO and then Lawton, Oklahoma... hopefully the foot will get better ASAP!
Peace, love, smiles!
my ticket to the e.r.

my foot in the ace bandage

Tomorrow we leave St. Louis and head to Lebanon, MO and then Lawton, Oklahoma... hopefully the foot will get better ASAP!
Peace, love, smiles!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Meet Me in St. Louis
I'm in St. Louis right now. It's been over a week since my last update.
Since we left Kentucky...
We went to New Albany Indiana for a night and then traveled here to St. Louis. Once we got here, like the exact moment, Larissa and I both were dropped off at the airport for our flights out of this tour-world.
I went home to California for the weekend... a MUCH needed weekend away. And I had an amazing time. The second I got back I started to inhale all of my mommy's sensational food. Aside from the food, we went to a Save the Whale Festival in Dana Point and to Burbank to see beautiful flowers. My mom and I went shopping around a bit and such... It was just very relaxing and good to be away for a few days.
Since I've been back, Larissa and I have been roommates! Best ever! This is a sensational situation. We are perfectly timed in sync. We get up, each have time to shower, get downstairs for breakfast, and then we go do our shows and all that with everyone else. Sometimes we participate in activities, but for two days at least we just got back, put on our PJ's, got food, and watched far too many crime dramas. I am a new Law and Order fan. Guilty pleasure much? Also, for three days in a row we have had Dairy Queen. This is what I call dangerous, yet ridiculously awesome. Yay Larissa!
Yesterday we went to the zoo after our shows with Danny (it's free here by the way) and saw all these awesome animals! It was soo cool! We also made great efficient time. We had about two hours and we saw everything we wanted to see and almost everything in the entire park. Fantastic!
We then went to Alesia's boyfriend Matt's house and had Taco Wednesday night (it was also St. Patrick's Day) and played a lot of Wii. It was a great time!
This afternoon, after our two shows, Larissa, Stephen, Andrew, and I went to the City Museum! It was WONDROUS! It's basically an adult jungle-gym. And I have bruises to prove its intenseness. I slid down a 10-story tall slide! And I climbed through wirey-slinky like tubes several stories up in the air! It was terrifying at first, but I didn't wanna be a chicken and so I did it- and it was sooo fun! And I feel fearless after having done that. I'm not about to go skydiving, buut I feel strong and freer. I just felt like a four year-old again- it was truly fantastic. There were also incredible caves to play in and other slides and fun physical games. Everyone needs to go there if they can! I couldn't take pictures because I left my camera in the coat check- didn't want to risk losing it somewhere in the obstacle courses.
Here's an image from their site:

Now, I am waiting for my laundry to get done! There is only one machine and dryer in this entire hotel. And someone was a step ahead of me- the only problem being that when my laundry got washed, theirs hadn't finished drying. So. I had to wait extra long to put my laundry in the dryer. It's finally in there now at 11:25 at night! Should be done by midnight. Basically, I won't be folding it tonight.
We have a three-show day ahead of us tomorrow! None of us are thrilled. How will we do it? I don't know. Probably sugar and Panera Bread, which here is called St. Louis Bread Co. Jan, one of the cashiers recognized me by name today when we came for the second day in a row. We'll be coming back daily, I guarantee.
Goodbye for now. I will try to update more often with more interesting thought provoking thoughts. For now, I leave you with my upcoming summer plan:
Since we left Kentucky...
We went to New Albany Indiana for a night and then traveled here to St. Louis. Once we got here, like the exact moment, Larissa and I both were dropped off at the airport for our flights out of this tour-world.
I went home to California for the weekend... a MUCH needed weekend away. And I had an amazing time. The second I got back I started to inhale all of my mommy's sensational food. Aside from the food, we went to a Save the Whale Festival in Dana Point and to Burbank to see beautiful flowers. My mom and I went shopping around a bit and such... It was just very relaxing and good to be away for a few days.
Since I've been back, Larissa and I have been roommates! Best ever! This is a sensational situation. We are perfectly timed in sync. We get up, each have time to shower, get downstairs for breakfast, and then we go do our shows and all that with everyone else. Sometimes we participate in activities, but for two days at least we just got back, put on our PJ's, got food, and watched far too many crime dramas. I am a new Law and Order fan. Guilty pleasure much? Also, for three days in a row we have had Dairy Queen. This is what I call dangerous, yet ridiculously awesome. Yay Larissa!
Yesterday we went to the zoo after our shows with Danny (it's free here by the way) and saw all these awesome animals! It was soo cool! We also made great efficient time. We had about two hours and we saw everything we wanted to see and almost everything in the entire park. Fantastic!
We then went to Alesia's boyfriend Matt's house and had Taco Wednesday night (it was also St. Patrick's Day) and played a lot of Wii. It was a great time!
This afternoon, after our two shows, Larissa, Stephen, Andrew, and I went to the City Museum! It was WONDROUS! It's basically an adult jungle-gym. And I have bruises to prove its intenseness. I slid down a 10-story tall slide! And I climbed through wirey-slinky like tubes several stories up in the air! It was terrifying at first, but I didn't wanna be a chicken and so I did it- and it was sooo fun! And I feel fearless after having done that. I'm not about to go skydiving, buut I feel strong and freer. I just felt like a four year-old again- it was truly fantastic. There were also incredible caves to play in and other slides and fun physical games. Everyone needs to go there if they can! I couldn't take pictures because I left my camera in the coat check- didn't want to risk losing it somewhere in the obstacle courses.
Here's an image from their site:

Now, I am waiting for my laundry to get done! There is only one machine and dryer in this entire hotel. And someone was a step ahead of me- the only problem being that when my laundry got washed, theirs hadn't finished drying. So. I had to wait extra long to put my laundry in the dryer. It's finally in there now at 11:25 at night! Should be done by midnight. Basically, I won't be folding it tonight.
We have a three-show day ahead of us tomorrow! None of us are thrilled. How will we do it? I don't know. Probably sugar and Panera Bread, which here is called St. Louis Bread Co. Jan, one of the cashiers recognized me by name today when we came for the second day in a row. We'll be coming back daily, I guarantee.
Goodbye for now. I will try to update more often with more interesting thought provoking thoughts. For now, I leave you with my upcoming summer plan:
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Lexington, KY
We are in Kentucky! Once we got here, we were all starving and went next door to a Bob Evans, where I had some late-in-the-day breakfast. Following that, all the girls went wandering a shopping center known as Hamburg Pavillion. We wandered some clothing stores and then read magazines in Barnes and Noble. Tonight, Larissa, Alesia, and I also went to see "The Princess and the Frog!" It was soo wonderful! I literally sat on the edge of my seat the entire movie and was reminded of the joy I felt when watching Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid. Randy Newman did a great job writing songs for the movie and it was a great story and pretty to watch! We need more films like this coming from Disney. After the movie we went to dinner at bd Mangolian Grill, a sort of Stir Crazy (for Jersey folk)- a place where you pick your veggies, protein, and sauce, and they grill it right in front of you. Sort of like Hibachi but not as funny nor intimate. However, it was delicious, not expensive, and quick. The one downfall is that Wednesday night is apparently the night for all young-ish aged people to come out to this restaurant/bar to have drinks, smoke, yell, and most of all Karaoke. Let me tell you... the smoking was the least of my worries. Karaoke was painful to listen to and definitely the wonky part of this cute joint.
Anyways, I'm beat! We have a 7:45 a.m. call tomorrow.
Peace, Love, and Bliss
Anyways, I'm beat! We have a 7:45 a.m. call tomorrow.
Peace, Love, and Bliss
Update from Indianapolis, Indiana
I'm sitting in the breakfast nook of a Super 8 in Indianapolis right now... I had the most lovely night last night with Alyson Ahrns! It was so beyond wonderful to see someone I adore! She picked me up at this hotel, we drove to dinner at a magical wine tasting restaurant called "Tasting." This place should expand and come to NYC and Irvine. Seriously- wonderful. There's all of these wines all over the restaurant/bar-lounge and you fill a card with money, walk around and pick (prices listed above), you press a button and get a tasting (1/4 glass or so), and do that until you're done. We also had delicious pesto artichoke-goodness flatbread pizza and little crostinis with goat cheese and tomato. Delicious!
After the restaurant we rush over to the Clowes Theater where 101 Dalmations was playing- Alyson got comps to it. It was definitely... interesting to see? The best part by far was Sarah Gettelfinger as 'Cruella DeVille.' She was a powerhouse actress and singer, but I definitely think she's doing it for the money, 'cause at curtain call when they all do a little dance-sing number as the curtain goes down she was completely herself and appeared to be doing what she needed to do- and hey! fine by me- whatever works! And, she's fantastically talented- she deserves more!
Then we headed back to her adorable home and watched some Millionaire Matchmaker and discussed our girl-crushes on Tina Fey and 30 Rock. And now, this morning I am back at the Super 8 updating you all as I wait the next 2 hours for my castmates to actually get up and we leave for an 11 am call. Alyson had work so I had to be dropped off early- but it's all good 'cause I am youtubing it and updating this.
Aside from last night, I had another lovely day recently! On March 7th we had a day off in St. Charles, Illinois and we drove in to Chicago! Chicago is like a cleaner, wider, bigger, NYC (minus thee Broadway). But, it's truly lovely- and I got to see my friend, Becky, there! I hadn't seen her in years now. After a trip to the Shedd Aquarium with Larissa, she and I headed to Lincoln Park to meet Becky and her cool girlfriend, Kensey, for brunch. We ate at a spectacular little place called Orange, where they had vegetarian eggs benedict in a caprese style and Fruishi, fruit sushi! The special fruishi of the day was banana wrapped in raspberry rice and another, pineapple rice with melon atop, all splashed with some yummy fruit sauces. Good stuff!
The Shedd Aquarium:


We went to Robert Walker's Pancake House (can't recall where at the moment) and I had a baked apple and pecan pancake. Little did I know it would mean this ginormous souffle of a thing that lasted for 2 days and that I could not eat on my own. It was a group effort:

Chicago-style pizza. Crazy big. Insanely delicious:

A STUNNING theater called The Rialto in Joliet, Illinois that we performed at yesterday. It's from the 1920's, a vaudeville house where the likes of Houdini performed! There are even metal plates in the wings that have animal holders for when the circus animals were used. Kept so beautifully in the middle of nowhere of the U.S.

The Marquee:

Alyson and I:

PS, as I wrote this entire blog a Japanese Choir has entered and started rehearsing in the breakfast nook of this hotel, and they're loud. Anyone can ask Chris Giordano who was video chatting with me while it was occurring.
After the restaurant we rush over to the Clowes Theater where 101 Dalmations was playing- Alyson got comps to it. It was definitely... interesting to see? The best part by far was Sarah Gettelfinger as 'Cruella DeVille.' She was a powerhouse actress and singer, but I definitely think she's doing it for the money, 'cause at curtain call when they all do a little dance-sing number as the curtain goes down she was completely herself and appeared to be doing what she needed to do- and hey! fine by me- whatever works! And, she's fantastically talented- she deserves more!
Then we headed back to her adorable home and watched some Millionaire Matchmaker and discussed our girl-crushes on Tina Fey and 30 Rock. And now, this morning I am back at the Super 8 updating you all as I wait the next 2 hours for my castmates to actually get up and we leave for an 11 am call. Alyson had work so I had to be dropped off early- but it's all good 'cause I am youtubing it and updating this.
Aside from last night, I had another lovely day recently! On March 7th we had a day off in St. Charles, Illinois and we drove in to Chicago! Chicago is like a cleaner, wider, bigger, NYC (minus thee Broadway). But, it's truly lovely- and I got to see my friend, Becky, there! I hadn't seen her in years now. After a trip to the Shedd Aquarium with Larissa, she and I headed to Lincoln Park to meet Becky and her cool girlfriend, Kensey, for brunch. We ate at a spectacular little place called Orange, where they had vegetarian eggs benedict in a caprese style and Fruishi, fruit sushi! The special fruishi of the day was banana wrapped in raspberry rice and another, pineapple rice with melon atop, all splashed with some yummy fruit sauces. Good stuff!
The Shedd Aquarium:

We went to Robert Walker's Pancake House (can't recall where at the moment) and I had a baked apple and pecan pancake. Little did I know it would mean this ginormous souffle of a thing that lasted for 2 days and that I could not eat on my own. It was a group effort:
Chicago-style pizza. Crazy big. Insanely delicious:

A STUNNING theater called The Rialto in Joliet, Illinois that we performed at yesterday. It's from the 1920's, a vaudeville house where the likes of Houdini performed! There are even metal plates in the wings that have animal holders for when the circus animals were used. Kept so beautifully in the middle of nowhere of the U.S.

The Marquee:
Alyson and I:

PS, as I wrote this entire blog a Japanese Choir has entered and started rehearsing in the breakfast nook of this hotel, and they're loud. Anyone can ask Chris Giordano who was video chatting with me while it was occurring.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Manitowoc -> Crystal Lake, IL
I'm here now in Crystal Lake, Illinois- about an hour north of Chicago, I think. We drove from Manitowoc to here about two days ago. We had a two show day today and leave the set up for tomorrow's afternoon show, which is lovely :)
Me in the GINORMOUS house from the other day in Greenbay:

Me in Manitowoc on the water (photo taken by Larissa):

This is Manitowoc's theater (a little Mexican or Italian themed with a starry sky):
Oh, in Manitowoc's vaudeville theater, Debbie Reynold's played there!

We've been staying at a really cute hotel here in Crystal Lake, and there's a hot tub and pool that Larissa, my roommate here, and I have been at each day (in fact, twice today). We also saw Alice in Wonderland this evening!! It was awesome!! I reallyy liked it! It didn't need to be in 3D, though, because most of it was not really popping or in need.
Tomorrow we head to Joliet, where I will be getting a single for a night :) and then the following day we have a day off!! We'll be going into Chicago and I'll be seeing my friend, Becky (it's been far too long since I've seen her).
So long for now... off to watch this sensational wedding/competition show on TLC (of course)
peace, love, and chocolate (which I've eaten a lot of today)
Me in the GINORMOUS house from the other day in Greenbay:

Me in Manitowoc on the water (photo taken by Larissa):

This is Manitowoc's theater (a little Mexican or Italian themed with a starry sky):
Oh, in Manitowoc's vaudeville theater, Debbie Reynold's played there!

We've been staying at a really cute hotel here in Crystal Lake, and there's a hot tub and pool that Larissa, my roommate here, and I have been at each day (in fact, twice today). We also saw Alice in Wonderland this evening!! It was awesome!! I reallyy liked it! It didn't need to be in 3D, though, because most of it was not really popping or in need.
Tomorrow we head to Joliet, where I will be getting a single for a night :) and then the following day we have a day off!! We'll be going into Chicago and I'll be seeing my friend, Becky (it's been far too long since I've seen her).
So long for now... off to watch this sensational wedding/competition show on TLC (of course)
peace, love, and chocolate (which I've eaten a lot of today)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Manitowoc, WI
Here we are in Manitowoc, Wisconsin... a name I still can't pronounce. We had two shows today at the a beautiful and most huuuge theater I've ever seen in Green Bay. It had two humongous balconies and a gigantic orchestra. Really stunning:

It was so nice to perform in a house larger than a Broadway house! I was really exhilirated!
Our signed wall in the theater at University of Wisconsin; Green Bay:

When we were all done with the shows and loading out, we drove southeast to where we are now in Matnitowoc. We're staying at an Econolodge and I am so glad to be in a bed right now. So tired. I ordered in some Jimmy John's- which is a fantastic sandwich place in the midwest. Ooh- last night we did free laundry and worked out in the gym at the Candlewood Inn in Green Bay! It was great to have all of those amenities (minus pool/hot tub), but today I am slightly sore from working out. Odd because I have felt like I've been working out while building this set every day... apparently our building and break down is not much of a workout then, 'cause I was totally not in shape to do everything I would have liked to do.
I'm going to California in TEN DAYS! My Dad just booked me a flight home for 3 nights for the sake of just getting a break for a while. Should definitely be nice! :)
I have got to get to bed now. Bonne nuit <3

It was so nice to perform in a house larger than a Broadway house! I was really exhilirated!
Our signed wall in the theater at University of Wisconsin; Green Bay:
When we were all done with the shows and loading out, we drove southeast to where we are now in Matnitowoc. We're staying at an Econolodge and I am so glad to be in a bed right now. So tired. I ordered in some Jimmy John's- which is a fantastic sandwich place in the midwest. Ooh- last night we did free laundry and worked out in the gym at the Candlewood Inn in Green Bay! It was great to have all of those amenities (minus pool/hot tub), but today I am slightly sore from working out. Odd because I have felt like I've been working out while building this set every day... apparently our building and break down is not much of a workout then, 'cause I was totally not in shape to do everything I would have liked to do.
I'm going to California in TEN DAYS! My Dad just booked me a flight home for 3 nights for the sake of just getting a break for a while. Should definitely be nice! :)
I have got to get to bed now. Bonne nuit <3
Monday, March 1, 2010
Green Bay, WI
We woke up this morning in Marshfield, WI and then performed in Spencer, WI in a Kindergarten through 12th grade school with only 730 students! Small town much? We had a 10 am show which I think we all were far too tired to do. We had until 1 pm later today for the second show... they offered us lunch at their cafeteria, which we weren't too thrilled with doing, but we figured "hey- free lunch. can't be thaat bad" and guess what?! It was wonderful! It was so impressive that they had every part of the food pyramid and it was so clean and healthy. I had a bit of everything and it tasted good! AND, they have a salad bar. Like- what? What school has that? My schools did not... very impressive Spencer, WI :)
After we were all done with the shows and loading out we drove almost 3 1/2 hours to Green Bay, where we are now. We're staying at a hotel with a little kitchen, free(!) laundry, and... get this- in the midwest they offer you an entire little bodega shop inside the hotel where you can pretty much pay-what-you-say and drop anything into the money box and take what you need... WHAT?! We're definitely not in a land I've been to before.
Five of us went to a restaurant/brewery called Titletown (I think) on the water in Downtown Green Bay and had some good food. I got a really filling mac and cheese meal/ couldn't even eat 1/3. So rich. And, we got this wayyy bizarre, sulfur-tasting lemon poppyseed cheesecake:
We had a really fun (and cute) waiter who told us about Cow Tipping, too! It was a brilliant conversation where I learned a whole lot. I really need to do that sometime! It wouldn't work very well in the snow tonight, but perhaps on our cross-country drive at the end of tour we'll have the time! If not... when I go to Ireland this summer (which will hopefully happen ;))!
Larissa and I watched The Bachelor tonight... I was very disappointed that Jake went with Vienna... but y'know, whatever works. They suit each other, I guess. I'll deal. And I've been doing laundry and just hanging around the room for the past 2 hours or so. We have a 7:45 call tomorrow for two shows, and then we go to a hotel about an hour away in Manitowoc, WI.
Till the next time...
After we were all done with the shows and loading out we drove almost 3 1/2 hours to Green Bay, where we are now. We're staying at a hotel with a little kitchen, free(!) laundry, and... get this- in the midwest they offer you an entire little bodega shop inside the hotel where you can pretty much pay-what-you-say and drop anything into the money box and take what you need... WHAT?! We're definitely not in a land I've been to before.
Five of us went to a restaurant/brewery called Titletown (I think) on the water in Downtown Green Bay and had some good food. I got a really filling mac and cheese meal/ couldn't even eat 1/3. So rich. And, we got this wayyy bizarre, sulfur-tasting lemon poppyseed cheesecake:
We had a really fun (and cute) waiter who told us about Cow Tipping, too! It was a brilliant conversation where I learned a whole lot. I really need to do that sometime! It wouldn't work very well in the snow tonight, but perhaps on our cross-country drive at the end of tour we'll have the time! If not... when I go to Ireland this summer (which will hopefully happen ;))!
Larissa and I watched The Bachelor tonight... I was very disappointed that Jake went with Vienna... but y'know, whatever works. They suit each other, I guess. I'll deal. And I've been doing laundry and just hanging around the room for the past 2 hours or so. We have a 7:45 call tomorrow for two shows, and then we go to a hotel about an hour away in Manitowoc, WI.
Till the next time...
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Marshfield, WI
Here we are in another middle-of-nowhere town in Wisconsin. On the way I was really hoping we'd pass by a famous cheese factory... but we went a different route. It took a long time to get here today and we're seriously in another tiny little town. We perform tomorrow a little northwest from here, and after the show we have to drive northeast to Green Bay, which I must add is about 3 hours awayyyy :/ UGH
We're in a lovely hotel right now, however, that has a very nice indoor pool and hot tub. And it's outside deck is all snowy. It's really nice to be swimming in a nice heated facility when it's all cold outside :)
Once we got to the hotel tonight, Larissa, Alesia, and I hung out, watched TLC about Giant People... good times. We also ordered some Domino's- which is surprisingly good. Who knew? They have a new hand tossed pizza that's garlic-y and delicious. And we had it with pineapple on it (which my mom loves too).
The rest of tonight, Stephen and I edited the following video which i'm sure will be a new internet sensation ;) HAHAA
And now, I'll be watching more of the Olympic closing ceremony and sleeping. We have to be out of here by 7:15 tomorrow morning.
Much peace and love
We're in a lovely hotel right now, however, that has a very nice indoor pool and hot tub. And it's outside deck is all snowy. It's really nice to be swimming in a nice heated facility when it's all cold outside :)
Once we got to the hotel tonight, Larissa, Alesia, and I hung out, watched TLC about Giant People... good times. We also ordered some Domino's- which is surprisingly good. Who knew? They have a new hand tossed pizza that's garlic-y and delicious. And we had it with pineapple on it (which my mom loves too).
The rest of tonight, Stephen and I edited the following video which i'm sure will be a new internet sensation ;) HAHAA
And now, I'll be watching more of the Olympic closing ceremony and sleeping. We have to be out of here by 7:15 tomorrow morning.
Much peace and love
Friday, February 26, 2010
Macomb, IL
Oh Boy! We stayed in Macomb, IL for 3 days and 3 nights in a Super 8. Let me start by explaining Macomb. Macomb is a small college town. They have a town hall, a central square, and a university. That's it. They do have a few chain fast food spots on the main road, Jackson St. and only three coffee shops, that all close at 5 pm! The latter was a huge disappointment yesterday when Bethany and I went looking for one to hang out and read in. One would think that in a college town there would be a bunch of coffee houses open late for students to study... hmm.
Well, the town was quaint and cute. I wouldn't mind stopping in it for breakfast and driving through 'cause after all it did look like Stars Hollow (the Gilmore Girls town), as visible with the gazebo and square. We also had breakfast 2 days ago at Cookie's Diner, which is pretty much Luke's Diner... minus the customers. However, that could be 'cause we all slept in on our day off and went to breakfast at the odd hour of 2 pm.
This town even has its very own Kirk, well in-fact, a few of them! Kirk on Gilmore Girls pretty much did every job in town. He'd show up at the dance store, the diner, the bank, etc. The daughter of the Super 8 owners, who also works there, also works at Walgreens, and one of the teachers who brought her students to our show also worked at our hotel.
Macomb also has the biggest snowman I've seen... it was over a story tall, it's teeth were made of bricks, its hat from a traffic cone, and its hat a large garbage can. (See picture below)
Aside from Cookie's Diner, we went to Cinema 1 and 2 to see The Lovely Bones... This movie theater was tiny and cheap (only $4 a ticket), and we all enjoyed the movie. Stanley Tucci was a completely different person than I've ever seen- super creepy. In general, I liked the book much more. The movie was kinda image excessive and pretty overblown, but it is what it is.
I made friends with a guy, Dan, who works at the cinema, who we invited to come out the following night with us.
The Forum, the place we went out last night was the sole place in town where people go on a Thursday night apparently. The Square was dead and you wouldn't even know that people were inside The Forum from the outside! The space is an old vaudeville house and it's really nice- lots of dance space, several bars, and two floors. Stephen and I went last night for an hour, danced a bit, looked at the kind of people out, and headed back to the hotel. The others wanted to stay in after a night of Domino's, the Olympics, and some McDonald's ice cream. It was Country-Western Night and everyone there was in plaid or flannel, most girls in far too short shorts, and guys in cowboy hats. Stephen turned to me and said, "Toto, we're not in New York anymore" and I couldn't agree more. We couldn't find our new friend, Dan, in the place- either he didn't show or the place was so crowded it was impossible to see him.
Our shows went well at Western Illinois University. We did, however, find out that we had been offered to stay at their own hotel in the same building as the theater... for free, and apparently we were not informed! Or, someone missed informing us... which was definitely annoying. It would've been nice to stay in a building that already had things to do- including bowling, people our age, food, and the theater we were performing in. The Super 8 we stayed in for 3 nights was fine, but definitely not a favorite.
We worked really hard to find things to do in Macomb but had no luck. We even drove to the university on our day off to ask what people do for fun. The answer? "We drink a lot." Another was to check out the roller skating rink, which actually did sound really delightful! However, when we got to the rink, Larissa and I went in to see if it was open. The response was a deep moan of a "no." We asked if they'd be open later and the two quiet men said "no." Any other rink we could go to? "No." Without a breath, Larissa and I skidaddled out of there quickly 'cause they were pretty sketchy and angry-seeming.
Needless to say, it was nice to leave Macomb, IL, where we pretty much did nothing. Here are some images:
Gazebo in our little 'Star Hollow:'

Macomb, IL Town Hall:

Shops in The Square:

Cinema 1 and 2:

Poster in Movie Theater:

Closed Little Java Shop:

Little Java Shop and Me:

Adams Street Coffee Shop CLOSED:

Sullivan Taylor Coffee House- CLOSED:

Bethany sad 'cause coffee shops are closed:

Falic object in snow in front of one of the College Apartments:

The Forum, and Brushfire, the band playing (they were pretty good):
Well, the town was quaint and cute. I wouldn't mind stopping in it for breakfast and driving through 'cause after all it did look like Stars Hollow (the Gilmore Girls town), as visible with the gazebo and square. We also had breakfast 2 days ago at Cookie's Diner, which is pretty much Luke's Diner... minus the customers. However, that could be 'cause we all slept in on our day off and went to breakfast at the odd hour of 2 pm.
This town even has its very own Kirk, well in-fact, a few of them! Kirk on Gilmore Girls pretty much did every job in town. He'd show up at the dance store, the diner, the bank, etc. The daughter of the Super 8 owners, who also works there, also works at Walgreens, and one of the teachers who brought her students to our show also worked at our hotel.
Macomb also has the biggest snowman I've seen... it was over a story tall, it's teeth were made of bricks, its hat from a traffic cone, and its hat a large garbage can. (See picture below)
Aside from Cookie's Diner, we went to Cinema 1 and 2 to see The Lovely Bones... This movie theater was tiny and cheap (only $4 a ticket), and we all enjoyed the movie. Stanley Tucci was a completely different person than I've ever seen- super creepy. In general, I liked the book much more. The movie was kinda image excessive and pretty overblown, but it is what it is.
I made friends with a guy, Dan, who works at the cinema, who we invited to come out the following night with us.
The Forum, the place we went out last night was the sole place in town where people go on a Thursday night apparently. The Square was dead and you wouldn't even know that people were inside The Forum from the outside! The space is an old vaudeville house and it's really nice- lots of dance space, several bars, and two floors. Stephen and I went last night for an hour, danced a bit, looked at the kind of people out, and headed back to the hotel. The others wanted to stay in after a night of Domino's, the Olympics, and some McDonald's ice cream. It was Country-Western Night and everyone there was in plaid or flannel, most girls in far too short shorts, and guys in cowboy hats. Stephen turned to me and said, "Toto, we're not in New York anymore" and I couldn't agree more. We couldn't find our new friend, Dan, in the place- either he didn't show or the place was so crowded it was impossible to see him.
Our shows went well at Western Illinois University. We did, however, find out that we had been offered to stay at their own hotel in the same building as the theater... for free, and apparently we were not informed! Or, someone missed informing us... which was definitely annoying. It would've been nice to stay in a building that already had things to do- including bowling, people our age, food, and the theater we were performing in. The Super 8 we stayed in for 3 nights was fine, but definitely not a favorite.
We worked really hard to find things to do in Macomb but had no luck. We even drove to the university on our day off to ask what people do for fun. The answer? "We drink a lot." Another was to check out the roller skating rink, which actually did sound really delightful! However, when we got to the rink, Larissa and I went in to see if it was open. The response was a deep moan of a "no." We asked if they'd be open later and the two quiet men said "no." Any other rink we could go to? "No." Without a breath, Larissa and I skidaddled out of there quickly 'cause they were pretty sketchy and angry-seeming.
Needless to say, it was nice to leave Macomb, IL, where we pretty much did nothing. Here are some images:
Gazebo in our little 'Star Hollow:'
Macomb, IL Town Hall:
Shops in The Square:

Cinema 1 and 2:
Poster in Movie Theater:

Closed Little Java Shop:

Little Java Shop and Me:

Adams Street Coffee Shop CLOSED:

Sullivan Taylor Coffee House- CLOSED:

Bethany sad 'cause coffee shops are closed:

Falic object in snow in front of one of the College Apartments:

The Forum, and Brushfire, the band playing (they were pretty good):
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Mokena, IL
Mokena is right outside of Frankfort, IL. And that's really where our hotel was, although we performed in a high school in Frankfort, IL for two days in a row. The lovely man in charge of the theater took us out to dinner for doing a meet-and-greet for the kids on Sunday, and it was delightful. They took such good care of us there, food-wise. They gave us great breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, and we got to take all the left-overs with us in the van (some great nutrigrain bars and rice krispy treats).
I thought it would be funny if during the show we took a little photo moment for the below images. It's what we, as the tarantula, would like if we were attacked with RAID:

And Bethany as a tarantula:

Our last night in Mokena, we went to Rock Bottom, a brewery, where a few people got some major beer samples. I tasted a sip of three beers and got over it easily. I'm not a beer drinker. But I had a delicious Santa Fe Salad that was super hearty. This was one of the posters there:

We left Mokena this morning, had to pick up some food at a gas station for breakfast 'cause we didn't get the memo that we were supposed to eat before leaving :/ So today's breakfast was some Honey Nut Cheerios and a Pop Tart. Real healthy. We also apparently, weren't able to stop on the road... but after tensions rose we got our way and were able to stop to take to go. Unfortunately, McDonalds was the place of choice, leaving me with no option other than french fries (fatty and not fulfilling for a meal). Their salads have raw carrots in them that I can't eat, and their apple dippers are red apples (allergic to both). So it was lame... I had to wait until we got to our area to get some food. And finally, when I thought all was good and I could cross the street from our hotel by foot to get some pizza, it was closed! So, I got into The Mystery Machine (van) with Stephen and went looking for some food, which led me to Burger King. Also, not healthy- but ended up with a veggie burger. At least I got some protein. We stopped at a WalMart and he got a file folder... and on the way we saw this HUGE snowman (literally taller than one story of a house):

Aside from what I've written, nothing too extraordinary has been going on. Tonight is women's figure skating at the Olympics, which I'm super excited for. We'll probably be starting a viewing party soon. We have a day off tomorrow... should be interesting, seeing that we're in what appears to be the middle of nowhere right now... we're in Macomb, IL.
Peace, Love, and Happiness
I thought it would be funny if during the show we took a little photo moment for the below images. It's what we, as the tarantula, would like if we were attacked with RAID:

And Bethany as a tarantula:

Our last night in Mokena, we went to Rock Bottom, a brewery, where a few people got some major beer samples. I tasted a sip of three beers and got over it easily. I'm not a beer drinker. But I had a delicious Santa Fe Salad that was super hearty. This was one of the posters there:

We left Mokena this morning, had to pick up some food at a gas station for breakfast 'cause we didn't get the memo that we were supposed to eat before leaving :/ So today's breakfast was some Honey Nut Cheerios and a Pop Tart. Real healthy. We also apparently, weren't able to stop on the road... but after tensions rose we got our way and were able to stop to take to go. Unfortunately, McDonalds was the place of choice, leaving me with no option other than french fries (fatty and not fulfilling for a meal). Their salads have raw carrots in them that I can't eat, and their apple dippers are red apples (allergic to both). So it was lame... I had to wait until we got to our area to get some food. And finally, when I thought all was good and I could cross the street from our hotel by foot to get some pizza, it was closed! So, I got into The Mystery Machine (van) with Stephen and went looking for some food, which led me to Burger King. Also, not healthy- but ended up with a veggie burger. At least I got some protein. We stopped at a WalMart and he got a file folder... and on the way we saw this HUGE snowman (literally taller than one story of a house):

Aside from what I've written, nothing too extraordinary has been going on. Tonight is women's figure skating at the Olympics, which I'm super excited for. We'll probably be starting a viewing party soon. We have a day off tomorrow... should be interesting, seeing that we're in what appears to be the middle of nowhere right now... we're in Macomb, IL.
Peace, Love, and Happiness
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