I thought it would be funny if during the show we took a little photo moment for the below images. It's what we, as the tarantula, would like if we were attacked with RAID:

And Bethany as a tarantula:

Our last night in Mokena, we went to Rock Bottom, a brewery, where a few people got some major beer samples. I tasted a sip of three beers and got over it easily. I'm not a beer drinker. But I had a delicious Santa Fe Salad that was super hearty. This was one of the posters there:

We left Mokena this morning, had to pick up some food at a gas station for breakfast 'cause we didn't get the memo that we were supposed to eat before leaving :/ So today's breakfast was some Honey Nut Cheerios and a Pop Tart. Real healthy. We also apparently, weren't able to stop on the road... but after tensions rose we got our way and were able to stop to take to go. Unfortunately, McDonalds was the place of choice, leaving me with no option other than french fries (fatty and not fulfilling for a meal). Their salads have raw carrots in them that I can't eat, and their apple dippers are red apples (allergic to both). So it was lame... I had to wait until we got to our area to get some food. And finally, when I thought all was good and I could cross the street from our hotel by foot to get some pizza, it was closed! So, I got into The Mystery Machine (van) with Stephen and went looking for some food, which led me to Burger King. Also, not healthy- but ended up with a veggie burger. At least I got some protein. We stopped at a WalMart and he got a file folder... and on the way we saw this HUGE snowman (literally taller than one story of a house):

Aside from what I've written, nothing too extraordinary has been going on. Tonight is women's figure skating at the Olympics, which I'm super excited for. We'll probably be starting a viewing party soon. We have a day off tomorrow... should be interesting, seeing that we're in what appears to be the middle of nowhere right now... we're in Macomb, IL.
Peace, Love, and Happiness
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