After leaving the St. Louis area we arrived in Duncan, OK on Tuesday and I gotta say... not so okay. It's pretty much the middle of nowhere. It felt like Blaine, Missouri (the town that "Waiting for Guffman" takes place in! We actually stayed in a hotel 45 minutes outside of Lawton, OK (the city we were performing in), which is basically the same thing only separated by 50 miles of cow country. Unfortunately for us, we also had a day off in Duncan. Upon entering this town you are welcomed with a billboard that reads something like: "They've really done it this time. We're gonna get 'em! Vote Liberals out in 2010!" AHHHHH! CRAZY! So, that was a niiice little welcome. As we drove in we passed by a Sonic (which is the one thing you can count on in Oklahoma aparently), another Sonic-style place called Braum's, a Taco Bell, Subway, and then our hotel. On Main Street, a few blocks away from our hotel, there are a few antique shops (everyone here is a hoarder). Danny, Larissa, Alesia, and I had brunch on our day off inside one of these antique "markets." It was a store filled with stuff and then in the center a little cafe. It sounds charming and all... but it wasn't all it sounds to be. The food was iffy for the most part. Basically, the spinach quiche that I got was homemade and pretty good, but it looked like someone just cut up a cucumber in the morning and split it among all of our plates, as well as some other random veggies and fruit. Not too homey if you ask me. But, I guess it has its charm(?)
Well, aside from this Antique Market and Tea Room, as it is called, there are a few Western Wear shops, a Fashion Bug clothing store(?), and a movie theater. The best thing may just be the movie theater. To really exemplify how other-worldly this town is I have to explain. The movie theater is currently playing "Valentine's Day" and "Percy Jackson..." Best of all- they'll be receiving "Avatar" in early April! UMMMM... that movie came out before Christmas! And it's already been nominated for an Oscar and it's all been done and over with. How in the world have they not gotten it yet? It's prettyyy astounding.
The people here are like blast-from-the-past, as well. Last night when I went to Braum's, one of the ice cream/fast food places, and got a delicious peanut butter hot fudge ice cream sundae (see photo), the people were mind-blowing. First, the fashion was intense. For the most part everyone was in clothes from a different era, and each party was in a different one. Some people were mid-90s, some were very 50s, others were just country glam. One particular couple that stood out, was an older couple in matching purple-ish suits. She looked a bit more glittery than him, but figures... The first door into the store was automatic but the second you actually have to open. Well, this woman and her husband walked in through the automatic door, she was ahead, and then she stopped in front of the second door waiting. He was behind her. Apparently she couldn't open the door herself. She turns her head slowlyyyy to the man who suddenly realizes he's made a huge error and lacked in chivalry (apparently) and he apologizes profusely and opens the door as she's in a tizzy. My goodness, lady! Open your own damn door! It was just a staple of what goes on in this town... or at least what it appear to be like. Braum's and Sonic also seem like the go-to places. Everyone goes there in the evening. I guess it's that after school/work/day spot. It got really busy when we were there, with full families, couples, people with babies, and all of them people of primarily large form. Surprised? I think not. If all there is to eat is Sonic, Braum's, and the cow from the farm nearby, clearly there's gonna be a problem.
Well, after two days there, two shows today (which I unfortunately had to sit backstage during) we made it to Wichita Falls, Texas this afternoon. I got to my room and ended up taking an intense power nap for about 2 hours. I hate napping. When I wake up I always feel agitated and exhausted, more tired than I was when I started to nap. It happened by accident, too. The internet is not working very well, although the hotel itself, a Howard Johnson's, is supreme- great rooms and awesome facilities (just got back from the hot tub located within the central indoor pool/veranda , in fact, so I was sitting here waiting eagerly for it to work and slowly fell asleep.
We drive to College Station, TX tomorrow and then have a day off the following day. So far Texas is looking up. Wichita Falls is way further developed than Duncan, Oklahoma, and College Station literally has a large college within it and such, so it should be good and busy. Not that I plan on moving much, but it changes one's attitude immensely to be in a comfortable environment with civilization. In a week I will also be in Colorado seeing my dear darling friend, Katelyn, and I am anxiously awaiting! It will be so much fun! I really cannot wait!
Delicious sundae:
My foot in the big boot:

My delicious sundae:
For now, I am signing off. I am gonna lie here and watch The Big Lebowski on my computer, assuming the internet doesn't regress.
peace, love, smiles
From a ways back, probably in Illinois or something:

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